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Article Of
The Day

Yesterday was one of the best day in my life, but it was also Friday the 13th. That leads me to one question, WHY?? How on Earth that people assume that Friday the 13th is a bad luck or it will curse you??


Ultimate Brain Quizzes
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Women abuse or also known as family abuse has been around for a very long time. However, this violence towards women has not ended just yet. Therefore, these posters have been created to raise the awareness in different countries.

The 13th
Woman Abuse 

Hello, guys! You know, lately, a lot of ideas have appeared in my mind. I love taking quizzes about myself, and I hope you, too. So, if you're ready on a trip to find out about your brain, continue reading. 

Lô H3 - H4, Đường Hoa Lan, Khu đô thị sinh thái Vincom Village, Long Biên, Hà Nội

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Do Nam Phuong

Nguyen Phuong Chi

BVIS Hanoi

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With different chemistry articles and experiment, we will cover you basics understanding of chemistry. We would also love to hear your ideas and experiments at home.


What our bodies are made of, human bad habbits along with current status of the Earth are what we would love to share and discuss with you. 

Fun facts about space and physics will be available. We are here to share our knowledge with you and would love to hear your feedbacks.

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